Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rift: the Storm Legion and an old man’s tea

Cult of Crucia: the Storm Legion
Once, Crucia possessed a vast empire, unflinching armies, and the most sophisticated spy network in Telara’s history. Now, the Storm Queen can merely invade and overthrow the minds of mortals who lack the monumental will to resist her. TERA gold  A lifelong friend suddenly changes expression and becomes a deadly assassin. Children turn against their parents, and kings are killed by their consorts, who the night before swore love eternal. Crucia cannot fully control everyone in her cult, but once touched, the thrall remains something of a blank slate, easy pickings for further control. Crucia has worn their minds smooth, as the wind scours the mountainside.
An old man’s tea
Of wise Won Odego, the first Paragon, the Bahmi tell this tale. Won Odego had a pupil, his sister’s daughter, strong and swift. She fought with the unpredictable grace of a hurricane, and her mind likewise was fetterless and wild. rift gold So the master bade his student make tea every morning, at just the same moment, just the same brew, just the same heat in summer or snow. “Why?” asked the pupil. But Won Odego only smiled. The student made the tea right, but without care – for a mistress of the sword, how trivial a task to brew the same tea every morning?
Then one morning, Won Odego sat down to tea that scalded his lip. He crossed his swords behind his neck, catching his student’s blow, then spun and met her onslaught. For days, blades sang on blades. DCUO gold This white-eyed puppet had the pupil’s strength and skill, but none of her inventiveness. Eventually she lay still, Odego’s slash across her throat. She who revels in the storm must keep one toe on the ground,” said Won Odego, and the wind brushed the tears from his eyes.


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